
A rant on why birthdays are overrated

Raghul Chandrasekar


I don't think I need to explain why a birthday gets everyone excited. Everyone knows that already.

Let me directly get to why I think the concept of celebrating birthdays is overrated.

This kid gets it | Source: Unsplash

It’s not about you

Typically, birthdays are a celebration of you being born into this world. It is about you. Should it be about you, though?

You barely did anything. Your biological mom did all the heavy lifting (with or without the help of doctors). It is she who had to go through 9+ months of struggle and mood swings and cravings and what not, culminating in a grand event where you are were thrust out by her or taken out by the docs via caesarean. And your dad was there for her and with her all along — providing care and support to the both of you.

So, why is this day about you? If anything, it should be about paying tribute to the sacrifices your parents made.

It’s society’s definition of ‘Time’



Raghul Chandrasekar

Writer. Reader. Philomath. Optimist. Figuring out life one article at a time at